Axcite modules

September 2022 release plan

What's new in Axcite's modules?

September 2022

This September 2022 release plan introduces new notable features to some of the Axcite modules and contains minor quality and performance updates.

Prerelase features and quality updates may be modified before release.


This release is built on Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.26 and tested on 10.0.26, 10.027 and 10.0.28.

Expected release: September 2022

New features

This September 2022 release introduces new and exciting functionality.


Axcite Business Intellegence​

New entity for production calculation transactions

New data entity ABI Production calculation transactions has been added. The entity is going to be a part of the new addition of production orders added to the data model. This will be available in coming releases.

ID: 22396

Axcite Foundation

Set banner on Axcite Environment setup

It is now possible to customize the banner on each environment enabling the user to distinguish between environments. 

ID: 22249

Axcite Invoice Workflow

#1 Axcite Digitialization as part of Invoice workflow

The purpose of Axcite Digitialization is to handle attached document in ledgerjournal and to view the attachment from the posted ledger transactions.

ID: 22397

#2 Worker amount limit per legal entity

A new parameter and functionality has been added which enables the user to set worker amount limit per company.

ID: 22238


Any actions required?

Please attend to the Release Update Guide sent to you in an e-mail, to see if any actions is required when updating to this version. 

Quality updates

Axcite Invoice Workflow

Axcite Invoice Workflow fields moved to new standard worker entity as original one had been marked obsolete. 

ID: 22324

Invoice validation now checks on open quality orders

ID: 22399

Axcite Procurement

ID: 22208

ID: 22376

Axcite Transportation Management

Before this fix the product name would change during the second import.

Additional changes:

  • Freigh contact person from salesorder is transferred to receiver attention
  • Customer reference from salesorder is transferred to receiver ref in references
  • Customer requisition from salesorder is transferred to reference attention

ID: 22334

Earlier release plans

October 2021

February 2022

June 2022


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