Axcite modules

June 2023 release plan

What's new in Axcite's modules?

June 2023

This June 2023 release plan introduces new notable features to some of the Axcite modules and contains minor quality and performance updates.

Prerelase features and quality updates may be modified before release.


This release is built on Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.30 and tested on 10.0.30, 10.0.31, 10.0.32 and 10.0.33

Released: June 7

New features

This June 2023 release introduces new and exciting functionality.


Axcite Invoice Workflow

#1 Link to workspace

Workspace "Axcite Invoice Workflow" is added to the menu for module Axcite Invoice Workflow.

ID: 23414

#2 Disable pop-up regarding 2nd approver

Possibility to disable pop-up message in approval, when amount limit is exceeded. 

Invoice will be forwarded to superior without futher message, if parameter is changed.

ID: 23450

#3 Invoice register breakdown of voucher

Axcite Invoice Workflow now supports breakdown of the voucher in invoice register. The breakdown or change of offset account will be copied to the preledger setup.

This function makes it possible to post the invoice to the account where it should be posted once approved already in the invoice register phase.

ID: 23572

Axcite Foundation

Truncating data

A new feature that truncates specific tables to save space.

ID: 25748

Axcite Business Intelligence

BI - Voyages

We have added entities regard voyages. The data is used to measure inbound delivery performance on forwards.

ID: 25755


Any actions required?

Please attend to the Release Update Guide sent to you in an e-mail, to see if any actions is required when updating to this version. 

Quality updates

Axcite Procurement

Create voyage from ASN import no longer fails due to update in Landed Cost module

ID: 25734

Earlier release plans

June 2022

September 2022

March 2023


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