Axcite modules
January 2025 release plan
What's new in Axcite's modules?
January 2025
This January release plan introduces new features to some of the Axcite modules and contains minor quality and performance updates.
New features and quality updates may be modified before release.
This release is built on Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.40 and tested on 10.0.40, 10.0.41, 10.0.42.
Expected release: late January
New release
This January 2025 release introduces new and exciting functionality, bug fixes and quality updates.
Axcite Warehouse Management
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Warehouse Management have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29123
#Moving Kardex dependency out of FnO - FnO part
Kardex functionality has been moved from FnO to Azure solution.
ID: 29191
Axcite EDI
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite EDI been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29111
Axcite Invoice Workflow
#Invoice approval - Set status to Rejected
New functionality - Adding possibility to set status to Rejected from Invoice approval.
ID: 26019
#Favorite posting on vendor/employee
New functionality - from Invoice approval it is possible to save favorite postings for cost invoices on a vendor. When a new invoice is created for vendor/employee, saved favorite posting lines can be imported including posting text.
ID: 26061
#Bug fix: Currency variance error
Bug fix - on currency variance error on reporting currency. When posting, the current exchange rate would be used and not the exchange rate at the given moment of the registation of the invoice. This would cause an error if there was a variance between the rates on the given date.
ID: 27929
#Update line check - check more lines
New functionality - Function Update line check can now be done on multiple lines at once.
ID: 27933
#Bug fix: Invoice approval - error in Amount, tax posting
Bug fix - for invoices posted with manually adjusted tax amount, correct tax amount is now deducted in Invoice approval, Posting proposal.
ID: 27950
#Invoice workflow Power App
Reimplementing app in Power Platform.
ID: 27954
#Filter out purchase invoice lines with error
New functionality - Show error lines onlyIn Invoice approval and Invoice approval journal a new button has been created that filters the lines so that only the ones with errors appear.
ID: 27965
#Bug fix: Purch line quantity do not match the invoice quantity
Bug fix - purchase line matching purchase qty with invoice qty is changed so matching will be against Invoice remainder on 3-way matching.
ID: 29122
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Invoice Workflow have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29132
#Bug fix: Credit note - partial approval
Bug fix - using Partial approval / Preledger on a credit note in invoice register, the record is now signed correctly.
ID: 29233
#Superior per company
New Extension to Amount limit per company makes it possible to specify Superior per company
ID: 29558
#Invoice Workflow Power App Development
Adjusting the core functionality of the reimplemented app in Power Platform.
ID: 29600
Axcite Sales
#Sales responsible should default employee responsible from the CustTable
When creating a sales order the customer employee responsible is set to sales responsible on the sales order.
ID: 22145
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Sales have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29219
#Consider receipt calendar when sales line update
When updating a sales order, the salesline update must consider the calendar when calculating requested ship date + transport days.
ID: 29809
Axcite Procurement
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Procurement have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29201
Axcite Product Lifecycle Management
#APLM Parameter to control where product lifecycle state is updated at activation.
Now it is possible to choose if the product lifecycle state at activation is editing the status on the released product, the engineering version or both.
ID: 26359
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Product Lifecycle Management have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29152
#Product Lifecycle Management form update
Update on Lifecycle Management form to exclude product master from the released product overview.
ID: 29194
Axcite Transportation Management
#Renaming of labels that include "consignor"
All labels within the Axcite Transportation Management module that previously included the term "consignor" have been renamed. These labels now use more general terminology.
ID: 26380
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Transportation Management have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29110
#Removal of "Colli Weight" validation on Packing Slip Posting
The validation requiring the "Colli Weight" field to be filled on shipment lines during packing slip posting has been removed. This allows shipment to be exported without specifying a colli weight.
ID: 29121
#Creation of customer freight agreement entity
An entity has been created for the Customer Freight Agreement table, enabling the loading of large amounts of data into the system through this new entity.
ID: 29566
Axcite Quality Management
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite Quality Management have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29220
Axcite VAT Validation
#Uniformity in naming of privileges & duties
All privileges and duties related to Axcite VAT Validation have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29133
Axcite Foundation
#Table truncation features
All privileges and duties related to Axcite VAT Validation have been renamed. Each privilege now includes the prefix AXC- to ensure consistency and clarity.
ID: 29234
#File stager service V2
File stager service can now take multiple files.
ID: 29619
Any actions required?
Please attend to the Release Update Guide sent to you in an e-mail, to see if any actions is required when updating to this version.
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