Axcite modules

October 2024 release plan

What's new in Axcite's modules?

October 2024

This October 2024 release plan introduces new features to some of the Axcite modules and contains minor quality and performance updates.

New features and quality updates may be modified before release.


This release is built on Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management 10.0.39 and tested on 10.0.39, 10.0.40, 10.0.41.

Released: Late October

New release

This October 2024 release introduces new and exciting functionality, bug fixes and quality updates-

Axcite Warehouse Management

#Missing external WMS system on outbound queue creation


ID: 26391

Axcite EDI

#TaxAmount, Standard VAT Percent, BuyerOrderNumber, customerlineId changes to these fields

To be able to validate the documents for PEPPOL/Nemhandel/EDIFACT, some changes are made to the documents, especially the sales invoice document.

  • For all outgoing documents: If "BuyerOrderNumber" in References section on header/line is empty, '-' is inserted instead.
  • For sales invoice document: Value is added in the field "Standard VAT percent" on header.
  • For sales invoice document: Value is added in the field "TaxAmount" on lines.
  • For sales invoice document: If "CustomerLineNumber" is empty, the value from LineId is added.
  • For sales invoice document: All amounts can contain up to 6 decimals, to reduce rounding errors in the validation.


ID: 26387

#Resend documents

Resend outgoing documents feature introduced.

ID: 27923

#Change in order of tags in EDI invoice

To be able to validate the documents for PEPPOL/Nemhandel/EDIFACT, the following change has been made to the sales invoice document.

The tag AdditionalDocumentReferences has been moved to the bottom of the header section.

ID: 29107

Axcite Invoice Workflow

#Remove verified invoices from Approval

Function: Remove approved invoices from the approval journal / invoice approval is extended to include invoices with status: Verified and Partial approved

ID: 26002

#Bug fix in IWF Tile

Bug fix: Tile, Invoice approval is now updated with number of invoices

ID: 26043

#Split partial approval

Improvement of partial approval feature

It is now possible to split partial approval of vendor invoices into more lines. Split lines can have different approvers.

ID: 26062


#Main account name info added on posting lines

Main account name is added in Invoice approval and Approval journal on posting proposal

ID: 26176


#Partial approval, more lines for same approver not showing

Bug fix - Partial invoice approval with more lines for same approver is now shown in Invoice approval journal

ID: 27930

Axcite Sales

#Include transport calendar in req ship date calc

Quality fix for requested ship date calculation on sales order line.

ID: 27935

#PME deprecated

Axcite Product Management has been deprecated and replaces by Axcite Product Lifecycle Management.


ID: 29144

Axcite Foundation

#File staging cleaner

Feature to clean up staged files.

ID: 26224

#File stage buttons enabled/disabbled

Correlation id field added to file stage table to be able to have more tracking possibilities.

ID: 26368

Any actions required?

Please attend to the Release Update Guide sent to you in an e-mail, to see if any actions is required when updating to this version. 

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